

AI Innovator Challenge

Put your AI design skills to the test and make an impact in the world

ISTE_Background 3   Submit Projects by April 29, 2024

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AI Innovator Challenge

Put your AI design skills to the test and make an impact in the world

ISTE_Background 3   Submit Projects by April 12, 2024


Unlock Your Potential as an AI Innovator

Calling all students with a passion for change! Showcase your talents in the Digital Creator's Challenge - an exciting opportunity to learn about and use AI tools to design solutions for real-world problems.


What is the Digital Creator's Challenge?

Create a resource with generative AI that supports its safe and responsible use. The Digital Creator’s Challenge in AI is designed to empower students as designers, creators and innovators as they help others learn to use artificial intelligence (AI) in ethical, safe and responsible ways. This year’s theme centers around using AI to promote digital inclusion and responsible digital citizenship, addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals of Reduced Inequalities and Quality Education. Using the Generative AI tools approved by your school and the resources found in Intel’s Skills for Innovation Activities, you will create a digital product to ensure others are able to use these powerful tools in positive ways.


AirplaneThe top three teams will be flown to Denver to present at ISTELive 24. Don't miss out on your chance to make your mark as a digital creator and experience the vibrant community in Denver!


Who's Eligible?

The challenge is open to teams of up to 3 high school students
(grades 9-12) with a teacher sponsor.


When's the Deadline?

Register your team and complete your 3-minute video and project submission by April 29, 2024. Winners will be announced May 3!


What Happens After You Submit?

Industry partners and educators will judge projects using a rubric focused on innovation, impact, digital citizenship and more. The top 3 teams will be selected to attend and be flown to ISTELive 24 to showcase their work!

Receive Challenge Resources & Submit Your Application:

Complete this form prior to project submission to receive resources throughout the project.

Use this form to submit your final project. Teachers are responsible for submitting final project details.

Upload your video to the video hosting platform of your choice (YouTube, Vimeo)

Download the Challenge Overview PDF


Download the Challenge Overview PDF

Get all the key details about the Digital Creator's Challenge in our PDF overview. Learn about the goals, timeline, judging criteria and more.


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International Society for
Technology in Education

2111 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA USA