

AI Innovator Challenge

Students put their AI design skills to the test to make an impact in the world

ISTE_Background 3   Submissions closed April 30, 2024

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AI Innovator Challenge

Students put their AI design skills to the test to make an impact in the world

ISTE_Background 3   Submissions closed April 30, 2024


Celebrating Designers and Creators!

Join us in congratulating the AI Designers and Creators whose Challenge projects exemplified creativity, purposeful design, inclusivity, communication, collaboration, and experimentation!

We are excited to share their project videos highlighting the problems our students are solving as they engage with Generative AI tools.

These students made their mark as digital creators!


ISTELive Showcase Projects

In addition to being highlighted here, students presented their projects at ISTELive 24 in Denver!

Featured Projects



Unlock Your Potential as An AI Innovator

The AI Innovator Challenge invited all students with a passion for change to showcase their talents in the Digital Creator's Challenge - an exciting opportunity to learn about and use AI tools to design solutions for real-world problems.


What is the Digital Creator's Challenge?

Students created a resource with generative AI supporting its safe and responsible use. The Digital Creator’s Challenge in AI was designed to empower students as designers, creators and innovators as they help others learn to use artificial intelligence (AI) in ethical, safe and responsible ways. This year’s theme centered around using AI to promote digital inclusion and responsible digital citizenship, addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals of Reduced Inequalities and Quality Education. Using approved Generative AI tools and resources found in Intel’s Skills for Innovation Activities, students created a digital product to support others in using these powerful tools in positive ways.


Who's Eligible?

The challenge was open to teams of up to 3 high school students (grades 9-12) with a teacher sponsor.


Thank you to those who submitted your Application!

The submissions process has now closed.

Download the Challenge Overview PDF


Group photo of the winners of the 2024 AI Innovator Challenge at ISTELive.

What Happened After Submission?

ISTELive 24Industry partners and educators judged projects using a rubric focused on innovation, impact, digital citizenship and more. The top 3 teams attended ISTELive 24 to showcase their work!

Winners of the 2024 AI Innovator Challenge at ISTELive.
One of the winners of the 2024 AI Innovator Challenge at ISTELive.

Download the Challenge Overview PDF

Get all the key details about the Digital Creator's Challenge in our PDF overview. Learn about the goals, timeline, judging criteria and more.


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International Society for
Technology in Education

2111 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA USA