

Welcome NYC Educators!

ISTE and the DLI are offering fully funded professional learning courses through ISTE U. With no prior knowledge required, these courses are designed for classroom teachers, coaches or leaders, regardless of experience with technology, to build skills in critical topics related to digital learning.

ISTE U courses include on-demand access to real examples, practical guidance and resources you can use immediately! You’ll come away with research-based knowledge of critical edtech topics and instructional strategies, and the tools to put that knowledge into action.

Plus, these course are eligible for per session funding and CTLE credits!

Note: You MUST use your NYCDOE email address when registering. If not, you will lose access to the course.


Self-paced Courses
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In this course, educators will learn to cultivate increasingly flexible and engaging student learning by selecting a blended model that works for their students, increasing student agency and autonomy, and as a result, improving student engagement and motivation.

2 hours

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This course provides strategies educators can use to identify potential barriers, set goals and design lessons that foster student engagement so that all students can demonstrate their knowledge and skills when learning virtually.


2 hours

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Supporting students’ well-being is paramount in this new age of education. This course will provide strategies that educators can use to support student well-being, through the use of meaningful connections and impactful technology integrations.

2 hours

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Cultivating relationships and connections between students are essential for learning. This course empowers educators to build a positive classroom community, implement effective communication strategies, and facilitate collaboration in a blended or online learning environment.


2 hours

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In this course, you will explore the ISTE Student Standards, designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process. You will dig into classroom applications and explore opportunities for innovation in lesson design.


5 hours

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Deepen your practice and collaborate more meaningfully with your peers.

In this course, you will explore the ISTE Educator Standards and their corresponding indicators of success. You will dig into the guidance and support that the standards provide and reflect on your own professional practice to explore opportunities for innovation.


5 hours

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Help students grow the digital literacy skills they need to be successful in work, empowered as citizens and fulfilled in life. This course guides educators in developing and utilizing digital literacy skills to support learners’ development as digital citizens across the curriculum.


5 hours

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The goal of this course is to increase your capacity to implement Gold Standard Project-Based Learning (PBL) with technology so that you can engage and empower students through meaningful, academically rigorous learning experiences.

5 hours

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Instructor-led Courses

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To prepare students for success, educators need to understand how Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can be leveraged to facilitate learning and solve real-world problems. In this course, you’ll learn to identify the various types of AI, hear about AI technologies on the horizon and build some of your own tools to make AI concrete and accessible for you and your students.

15 hours

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Learning is a complex process that involves your brain, your personal history, your entire body, and your environment. This course provides an introduction to the learning sciences to help educators make learning more effective, efficient, and inclusive – both with and without educational technology.


15 hours

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Coputational-Thinking-LONG (2)


In the digital age, computational thinking (CT) is an essential skill for students and educators alike. This course will help you increase your awareness of CT, experiment with CT-integrated activities for the subject areas you teach, and create a plan to incorporate CT into your curriculum. 


15 hours 

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